How To Prepare Magic Moss
“We recommend washing Magic Moss thoroughly to remove sand, pebbles, and possible plastic particles from farming robes.”
To prepare; the warm & fast way
A practical way to make 750ml of raw
ready to use paste.
1. Put 55 grams of washed moss with 4
liters of water in a pan.
2. Heat it over 2 hours at 40°C / 104°F.
3. Strain and rinse thoroughly with water.
4. Blend with 2½ cups (575ml) filtered
water on high speed till creamy smooth.
Refridgerate paste in an airtight container.
Mr Moss Recipes
Chocolate Blueberry Cheesecake Delight
150g Dates
150g Raisins
235 Cocos
235g Almonds
40g Cacoa
1/2 tsp Salt
Chocolate Layer
3 cups soaked cashews, 1 cup + 3 spoon (activated) almondmilk. Blend together. Add 1 cup palm sugar and 1 cup cacao powder. Blend all together. Add 1 cup cocos oil (melted on body temp.) and stir through by hand.

Vanilla White Chocolate Pie with Blueberry Topping
cake filling
3 cups magic moss paste
50 grams almond flour
1 cup coconut oil
2 tablespoons lecithin
1/2 cup white chocolate (melted at 40°C or 118°F)
1teaspoon vanilla powder or 2 tablespoons vanilla extract (preferably alcohol free)
1/4 teaspoon stevia or 1 cup honey
1 teaspoon sea salt
Blend paste and almond flour till creamy smooth. Add remaining ingredients, blend well, using the vita-mix plunger – if not using a vita mix, blend in small batches. More into pie pan evenly. Cover with topping. Refrigerate for at least 7 hours.
Blueberry Topping
2 cups blueberries
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons magic moss
Blend lightly to keep small whole pieces of blueberries while mixing all ingredients. Spread evenly on top of pie. Refrigerate for 7 hours.
Made by Amy Rachelle
Lemon Parfait
3 cups magic moss paste
3/4 cup coconut oil
2 tablespoons lecithin
1 cup water
1/2 cup lemon juice
1//8 teaspoon stevia
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
Blend all ingredients till creamy smooth. Put into individual glasses. Refrigerate for 7 hours.
Caramel Coffee Frappe
4 cups Cat whiskers tea (kidney cleansing herbs, golden rod)
1 heaping tablespoon coco oil
2 tablespoons magic moss paste
1/8 cup cacao butter (melted at 40°C or 118°F)
1 teaspoon Vanilla powder or 2 tablespoons vanilla extract (preferably alcohol free)
Stevia or honey to taste
1/8 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Lucuma powder
Blend well and serve.
Quint’s Espresso – and Pudding
2 cup Cat whiskers tea (kidney cleansing herbs, golden rod)
1/2 heaping teaspoon coco oil
3 tablespoon magic moss paste
1 tsp cacao butter (melted at 40°C or 118°F)
1 teaspoon Vanilla powder or 2 tablespoons vanilla extract (preferably alcohol free)
Stevia or honey to taste
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon mesquite powder
1/8 teaspoon ginger powder
5 whole peeled cardamon
1/2 teaspoon lavender powder
1 dried chili pepper
1 tsp shaga powder (optional)
Blend till creamy smooth. Pour into espresso containers and drink. Or refrigerate for 2 hours for pudding.
Inca Lemonade
Peel 2 trays (200g) off fresh Physalis. Blend this with 4g ginger and 3 cups (600cl) of water till smooth. Sieve this through a sieve above a bowl. Mix liquid with 4T Iris Moss paste, 4 drops of stevia and a pinch of cinnamon.
Made by Quint Snel
Choco Coco Banana Pie
5 abricots
2 cups rasped coconut
Blend together.
Banana layer
Soak 1 bucket dried banana’s, Blend as 1st layer.
Choco layer
3 Sp of choco (or carobe)
2 Sp of Irish Moss paste
1 1/2 Sp coconut oil
2 Sp. Lucuma
Slice 1 fresh banana and put with coconut flakes & grate on on top.
Made by Yuna van Munster
100g medjool dates
200g walnuts
150g hazelnuts
Chocolate mousse
3 cups soaked cashews
1 cup almond milk
1 cup coconut blossom sugar
1 cup raw cocoa powder
1 cup coconut oil
Chocolate glaze
24g cocoa paste
6g cocoa butter
30g coconut oil
Coconut meringue
20g soaked Irish moss
1/4 cup coconut water
2/3 cup coconut milk
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup young coconut meat
1/2 cup soaked cashew
5 tbsp agave sirup
1-2 tsp vanilla bean powder
1 tsp lime juice
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp coconut oil
Preparation base
Take spring form of 23cm and cut shape bottom from baking paper. Add dates and 1/2 teaspoon water to food processor and make paste. Add nuts in 3 parts and grind until a ball forms. Take 2/3 of nut-date ball, roll it with rolling pin and make shape on top of baking paper. Take 1/3 of nut-date ball to form the upright edge of spring form. Rub the horizontal and vertical parts together.
Preparation chocolate mousse
Soak cashews overnight in fridge and cast off. Blend cashews with almond milk until completely creamy, add sugar and continue blending. Scrape all granules together in the blend pitcher, add cocoa powder and blend it until a smooth mass. Add coconut oil and blend on low speed. Pour it on bottom and stiffen it in fridge.